Friday 14 November 2008


Beijing Metro

Hutongs are the traditional single-story building that formerly comprised a warren of narrow streets covering most of Beijing. In the rush to modernize they are disappearing fast. I stayed in one, so i was able to observe community life as it was led by all. The public toilets are a feature of these hutongs, as many houses lack sanitary facilities, strung out along the alleyways, people sitting outside their houses chatting, drinking beer, playing majong and card games, or chess, little courtyards with flower pots, tables and a variety of pottery, birds singing from little cages, red lanterns, traditional tiles on their roofs and thick wooden doors, intricately painted and with decorated woodwork. The places hum with life and activity. Being greeted with "Ne how" (hello), 'Ni shi cong nor loi de" (where are you from). Friendly and most helpful people, especially if one is older.

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